
The history of the Essene Bible 

 May 16, 2020

By  Antoine Manitara

From time immemorial, the divine world has delivered its teachings through its envoys, in order to guide mankind on earth. All peoples, all religions, all cultures, have been born of these sacred inspirations dictated by the divine world.

The Torah, the Koran, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the writings of Buddha, the Tao Te King… are all books of wisdom transmitted to humanity by the higher worlds. These texts, which have appeared over the ages in communities dedicated to the service of the higher worlds, reveal what the tradition of light has been through the ages: a great, unbroken river of wisdom.

The Essene Bible: a continuity of God’s word

Today, a new manifestation of divine wisdom has appeared on earth through the Essene Bible. The Essene Bible is a collection of gospels, containing the psalms delivered by the 4 great Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. The way it was written is unique and historic. It did not appear out of thin air; it is in fact the fruit of thousands of years of work and prayer by beings in the service of the Light, and was able to appear because the conditions were once again ripe for the revelation of these sacred texts to take place on earth, within a living community and in alliance with the higher worlds.

The Essene Bible is a sacred book, in keeping with the tradition of the Light. It is not the result of human will, but truly the will of a divine intelligence. Like all authentic revelations, it is not intended to refute or invalidate previous texts of wisdom, but rather to provide a breath of fresh air, enabling the tree of Tradition to continue to bear fruit and perpetuate itself down the ages. Nor is it intended to be superior, or to posit the Essene community as superior, but comes for all mankind as a source of all-encompassing wisdom, thereby complementing and reinforcing the sacred teachings of the previous great masters.

Envoys of the Light

All the Masters, the envoys of the Light, were surrounded by men and women who supported the common work and tried to understand and preserve the transmitted teachings as best they could. Over time, many of these texts have lost their original light, as they have been hijacked, coded for protection, reinterpreted and distorted, becoming stories emptied of their original meaning, dead letters and children’s stories. This is why the divine world continues to manifest itself from age to age, guiding and awakening men and women who seek the Light, with messages adapted to their times.

Enoch, God’s first son after the fall

Enoch was the first representative of the Light on earth after the fall of mankind. Bearer of the covenant with the 4 Archangels, he was the first to open the way back to the Father by establishing the Mystery Schools. After him, a continuous line of masters and sages has been perpetuated down to the present day. Each in his or her own field has been an organ, an instrument for receiving divine revelation at the heart of living tradition.

Thus, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha, Lao Tzu and all the other masters who were at the origin of authentic sacred texts, obeyed God’s commandments by placing themselves at his service in pure, selfless matter to receive and transmit universal revelation.

The Creation of the Essénienn Nation

Olivier Manitara, a pupil of Master Aïvanhov, isolated himself for several years in order to initiate work on himself and establish contact with a higher world. After 3 years of practice and strict discipline, he formed an alliance with his Angel. In his service, Olivier Manitara worked with determination for many years, opening the contemporary Essene school in August 1991. 12 years later, a covenant was made with the Archangels and the Essene Nation came into being.

And so it was that, within this new and growing initiatory school, a community of men and women gathered for years, in ardor and devotion, to bring to earth the discipline of the Archangelic Round. It was at the heart of this work, of this discipline, carried out during the celebrations of the 4 great Archangels, that the conditions were once again brought together for wisdom to take on a body of manifestation on earth. During these celebrations, the psalms were delivered directly by the Archangels, through the work of the Essenes assembled in the temple to honor them. Olivier Manitara, praying and invoking the Archangel in the temple, was thus the spokesman for the higher worlds, the servant of universal wisdom, translating the messages received into a language adapted to the human world. It was this individual and collective offering that really made the psalms a reality at the heart of the Essene Nation.

And so, from 2003 to 2016, for 13 uninterrupted years, the divine world was able to transmit its messages through the door opened by the Essenes. The appearance of the Bible is truly the result of a divine will and the work of a living community of individuals who freely assembled to serve and honor the will of a higher world, for the common good.

Today, through the Essene Bible, the Archangels speak directly to mankind, in a clear, frank and straightforward manner. In so doing, they give those seeking the Light the tools they need to take charge of their lives and freely choose the path they wish to follow.

The Essene Gospels are truly an inheritance of thousands of years, a legacy of the wisdom of all the ancient masters of all traditions, who come to us today as a new light and speak to us in a language appropriate to our time.

And it’s not over yet: messages from the higher worlds continue to pour into the Essene Nation. Through new messages, the word of the Angels, of the Old Masters, of God the Mother, … is taking shape. Universal wisdom continues to be revealed to mankind in increasing clarity and beauty.

The Essene Bible is God’s word for our time

However, if God manifests Himself in the new, reincarnating in different bodies of manifestation according to the times, men tend to lock the Light into the dogmas and concepts they know, and not see it where it manifests. When the Master Jesus arrived on earth, his contemporaries, steeped in their own religion and beliefs, failed to recognize him. It was the Magi, disciples of Zoroaster, who came from the East and saw in him the reincarnation of their master. After Jesus’ death, two currents emerged. The first, following in the footsteps of St. Peter, was quickly hijacked by politics, while the second, following in the footsteps of St. John, evolved into the hidden, giving rise to the Templars, Cathars and Rosicrucians. The Essene Nation was born of this current. The tradition of the Light thus manifests itself on earth in the image of a river. Sometimes in a strong, powerful current, visible in all its splendor, sometimes in a calmer, hidden movement, withdrawn into secrecy.

Until Peter Deunov’s arrival in the 20th century, Light was almost absent from the earth. The world was in a state of great collapse, ruled by dictatorial governments where religion was submissive, subservient to them. Peter Deunov came to blow on the embers and rekindle the flame of tradition in the heart of humanity. Through his work, he gave a voice to the Light and reopened on earth a path that had disappeared. By teaching in the sacred mountains of Bulgaria, withdrawn from the world of men, he was able to recreate conditions conducive to the covenant being woven once again. Surrounded by his disciples, they truly reopened the path of Light and called forth a great force of blessing for all mankind. Through sacred song and dance, they succeeded in creating a circle, a community strong enough to enable Archangel Michael to touch the earth once again, and also to bring forth high vibrations filled with ideas of brotherhood, renewal and liberation, the beginnings of a new era.

Master Peter Deunov then passed the torch to Omraan Mikhaël Aïvanhov, who in turn did a great deal of work on himself so as to be able to receive this teaching in purity and impersonality and pass it on within his school of universal white brotherhood.

Like many prophets and masters before him, Master Aïvanhov, in a prophecy issued in the 60s, saw that a new school was about to be born and a new gospel was about to appear.

“Forgive me if I scandalize you, but I say there was the Old Testament, there is the New Testament, and there will be the Third Testament. In fact, it’s already in preparation.

(…) I don’t need to tell you how it will be written, but it will come. The church will not be ready to accept it because the church has forbidden God to do anything new (…) but whether the church accepts it or not, what is to come will come.”

God rules. And when God wants to manifest himself, he finds an instrument, whoever it may be, and manifests himself.

Antoine Manitara

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